


來源:www.cisanotes.com   時(shí)間:2023-02-14 14:45   點(diǎn)擊:507   編輯:niming   手機(jī)版


Pork in garlic sauce 魚香肉絲Sweet and sour chicken 糖醋里脊Potato with meat shreds 五香土豆肉絲Scrambled egg with tomato 番茄炒蛋Stir-fried vegetable 炒青菜Egg drop soup 蛋花湯Hot and sour soup 酸辣湯這是哥們以前在餐館打工時(shí)候記的,你隨便選幾個(gè)吧。


Spring Rolls (春卷)

Lobster slices (龍蝦片)

Fried Wonton (炸餛飩)

Fried seaweed (炸海帶)

Shrimps toast (蝦仁吐司)

Shrimps Xiao Mai (蝦仁小麥)

Steamed dumplings with vegetables (蔬菜包)

Mais soup (玉米湯)

Wonton soup (餛飩湯)

Hot and sour soup (酸辣湯)

Soya noodles soup with pork (豬肉大豆湯面)

Chicken soup with mushrooms (香菇雞湯)

Shark fin soup (魚翅湯)

Crab meat soup with asparagus (蘆筍蟹肉湯)

Steamed plain rice (蒸白飯)

Rice with curry sauce (咖哩飯)

Fried cantonese rice (廣東炒飯)

Fried rice with chicken (雞肉炒飯)

Fried rice with shrimps (蝦仁炒飯)

Fried rice with pineapple (鳳梨炒飯)

Fried noodles soft or crisp (軟或脆的炒面)

Soya noodles with meat or vegetables(vegetbles 你這個(gè)單詞錯(cuò)了)(豬肉或蔬菜大豆面)

Rice noodles with meat or shrimps(豬肉或蝦仁米粉)

Rice noodles with meat (豬肉米粉)


ice noodles with shrimps (蝦仁米粉)

Rice dumplings with vegetables (蔬菜粽子)

Fried shrimps (炒蝦)

Shrimps with curry sauce (咖喱蝦)

Shrimps(hrimps你這個(gè)單詞錯(cuò)了) with vegetables (蔬菜蝦)

Shrimps with chili sauce (辣味蝦)

Shrimps with sweet and sour sauce(糖蠟蝦)

Cuttle - Fisch, with celery or hot (芹菜或辣味墨魚)

Imperial fried prawns (帝國炒大蝦)

Stewed prawns with soya sauce (紅燒對(duì)蝦)

Prawns in hot plate (燒烤對(duì)蝦)

Prawns with chili sauce (辣味對(duì)蝦)

Fried chicken (炸雞)

Chicken with curry sauce (咖喱雞肉)

Chicken with lemon sauce (檸檬汁雞)

Chicken with pineapple (鳳梨汁雞)

Sweet and sour chicken (糖醋雞)

Chicken with almonds (杏仁雞)

Chicken with chili sauce (辣醬炒雞丁)

Chicken with soya sprout (大豆芽炒雞丁)

Chicken with mushrooms and bamboo (冬菇竹子雞)

Roasted duck (炒鴨)

Sweet and sour duck(糖醋鴨)

Duck with mushrooms and bamboo (冬菇竹子鴨)

Sweet and sour park (糖醋公園)

Pork with chili sauce (辣椒醬豬肉)

Pork with vegetables (蔬菜炒豬肉)

Pork with mushrooms and bamboo (冬菇竹子豬肉)

Fried pork ribs (炸豬排)

Sweet and sour pork ribs (糖醋豬排)

Beef with curry sauce (咖喱牛肉)

MBeef with vegetables (蔬菜炒牛肉)

Beef with celery (芹菜炒牛肉)

Beef with onions (洋蔥炒牛肉)

Beef with green pepper (青椒炒牛肉)

Beef with oyster sauce (蠔油牛肉)

Beef with chili sauce (辣椒醬牛肉)

Beef with mushrooms and bamboo (冬菇竹子牛肉)

Soya sprouts (豆芽)

Steamed vegetables (清蒸蔬菜)

Chinese mushrooms and bamboo(中國冬姑竹子)

Stewed Tau fu (soya cheese) (燉豆腐)

Stewed Tau fu with vegetables (燉豆腐蔬菜)

Cococake (椰香蛋糕)

Soya bean cake (豆餅)

Mixed chinese fruits (水果雜盤)

Ananas, apple and pineapple (fried or candy(kandy是不是candy)(鳳梨,蘋果和波蘿(炸的或冰糖煮的))

Sauce (sweet sour, chili and soya) (調(diào)味品(酸甜,辣椒粉和豆醬) )

Wine, beer, soft drink and mineralwater,Chinese tea (葡萄酒,啤酒,汽水和礦泉水,中國茶)

spirit and Sakè (bottle)(烈酒和米酒(瓶裝的))

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